Have Yourself A Merry Lil Christmas - Project Local Love under CLHR
10 DECEMBER 2019
There’s no time like Christmas in Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts.
Every December, the team under Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts (CLHR) put in effort to celebrate Christmas with the local community. It’s all part of their Project Local Love, an initiative that everyone at Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts works with – each and every day – to ensure that they are doing their part to build a sustainable tomorrow.
For Christmas this year, Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts is celebrating a little differently from what they have done for the past couple of years. They have been putting a lot of effort in celebrating with children, orphans, the disabled, however for 2019, they are turning the table and shining the limelight on the unsung heroes – the caretakers from five separate homes in Johor Bahru. The caretakers, caregivers, volunteers, put in 100% of their hearts and souls into taking care of those in need.
The event, which was named ‘Have Yourself a Merry Lil Christmas’, was held at the Nautilus hall, TROVE Hotel Johor Bahru on 10th December 2019 and kicked off at 2pm with the arrival of the members of the media, event sponsors, members of CLHR corporate team, as well as the 24 guests of honour from 5 different homes - Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan, Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Johor Bahru, Persatuan Kebajikan I-Kasih Johor Bahru, Persatuan Kebajikan Orang Tua Ceria and Persatuan Kebajikan Berkat Johor Bahru.
After a welcome speech by Keyin Tay, Assistant Director of Marcom (CLHR), the event continued with a special premiere of the interview videos of the 5 homes. The video showcased the experiences of the volunteers who have been with the homes for a number of years. This initiative by CLHR is to raise more awareness about the plight of the homes from the caretakers’ point of view. The video will also be shared publicly on social media platforms of all 4 hotels under Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts.
The Project Local Love committees also surprised the caretakers with a heartwarming personal ‘Thank You’ to each of the celebrated unsung heroes and also distributing early Christmas gifts by our sponsors. Representatives from the companies mentioned above were also present to give out the early Christmas gifts to the caretakers.
On top of that, there was another surprise by Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts in which they donated a total of RM5,000 in cash to all the 5 homes. The mock cheque was presented by Director Representative Ms Lee Siew Leng, Chief Operating Officer Ms Jeslin Chong and Assistant Director of Marcom Ms Keyin Tay, as well as companies that contributed to the cash donation pool.
“We believe in the social importance of empowering local communities and to support social causes which have a positive impact on our environment and society,” said Jeslin Chong. She also added that there will be more events such as this for the other festive seasons.
The committees also entertained the attendees with a splendid Christmas dance routine featuring Santa Claus & Santa Rina, followed by a group photo with all the attendees. The event ended with a special Christmas buffet hi-tea prepared by the team at TROVE Hotel Johor Bahru.